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Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Library Park Update - Mr. Katz: Tear. Down. These. Walls.

Millennium Library Park

More news about possible library park library updates and it seems like there will be nothing too bold. Councillor Gerbassi claims she hasn't even been consulted.

The article linked to above states that the chance of widening the footprint of the park to create proper sidewalks around it is out of the question for now. That's too bad. If much of the work is going to be cosmetic within the walled confines we might as well save our money.

I went at about 4 pm to take these and there was me, two homeless guys and a group of 6 scruffy looking people drinking beer from King Cans. Not exactly bustling. Therein lies the issue. The park is walled-in and feels unsafe.

Millennium Library Park
Millennium Library Park Millennium Library Park Millennium Library Park

Despite it's glum condition it does have some great features: it's located next to the library; the trees that form the perimeter of the park seem healthy and lush; and there is that fabulous glass wall that acts as a backdrop

Millennium Library Park Millennium Library Park

I seriously hope that the city considers the "wall factor" in the redesign of the park or a potential gem will continue to sit unused even after $2m is spent to fix it up.

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