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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Need some history sleuthing done ?

HouseGarrick Hotel

Earlier in the summer Free Press carried the story
'Peg history at their doorsteps, about the growing interest people have in the houses that they live in.

House and building 'social' histories are something that I've spent a long time researching for my blogs and for individuals. You can see examples
here, here, here.

Now, I never know if I'm going to find a war hero, famous musician or prohibition 'speakeasy' at the location but, more often than not, at least a couple of interesting people or events pop out.

If you are interested in having your house or building history looked into I am 'for hire' ! Drop me a line at cassidy -at- mts.net and we can discuss.


Emma said...

Good for you!! I'm going to keep this in mind; I know my husband would love to find out more about the history of our house :)

Eva said...

Hello Christian,

I've been reading your blog as well as the Facebook group site re Winnipeg's built heritage.

I'm a former newspaper reporter from southern Ontario now living in Winnipeg. My interest in telling stories in general has evolved into a passion for telling the stories of our neighbourhoods -- in particular our built history.

Like you, I'm fascinated with Internet sleuthing and researching "common" people & neglected builtings.

After an absence from the work force to raise kids, I'm keen to jump back into this exciting field. I'd love to "pick your brain" about any opportunities there might be for local history research.

In reading your posts, I can see that you're doing a fine job and probably have the market cornered. However, as you've been doing this awhile, you may have some useful tips on how to break into this line of work. I'd appreciate any advice.

Thanks so much,

Eva Janssen