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Sunday, 20 September 2015

The Radio Edition for Sunday, September 20, 2015.

Saturday marked the 60th anniversary of the last day of service for Winnipeg Streetcars. This Sunday's West End Dumplings: The Radio Edition, 7:00 pm on 101.5 UMFM, is a replay of the March 2015 streetcar special !

Kerri and i are joined by Brian K Darragh, one of the last surviving Winnipeg streetcar operators, who just published The Streetcars of Winnipeg - Our Forgotten Heritage. Also, Steven Stothers, the creator of the Winnipeg Streetcar.com website and part of the Winnipeg Streetcar 356 Restoration committee.

Here are some more Winnipeg streetcar links:

Brian Derragh's website, which includes upcoming talks: http://www.streetcarsofwinnipegbook.com

CBC News archives: http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/Canada/Manitoba/ID/2675822862/   

There IS a Winnipeg streetcar in town. Number 356 at the Rail Museum awaits restoration.  http://heritagewinnipeg.blogspot.ca/2014/10/streetcar-356-winnipegs-last-remaining.html   

A great collection of old Winnipeg streetcar photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/streetcar356/sets/72157622087907554

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