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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Supporting community media - UMFM's Pledge-o-Rama !


All this week UMFM is holding its first-ever pledge drive for operating funds. If you listen to the station, or just support community-based media in general, you really should drop a pledge their way (and share in some of the swag they're offering.)

One thing that the loss of KICK FM (which I am still mourning) taught me is that you can't take local media for granted. It needs to be nurtured and supported on many levels.

UMFM's various shows are offering special programs all week and Winnipeg Internet Pundits is no exception. Today at 5:30 our lineup features special guests former M.P. and mayoral candidate Judy Wasylycia-Leis and North Kildonan city councillor Jeff Browaty.

You, too, can be a pundit. Make a pledge and you can put a question to one of our guests.


Marty Gold said...

Could you please explain why my comment complimenting Browaty and Judy for supporting Kick-FM programming removed? Was it by their request?

Christian Cassidy said...

No. Don't have to explain what I do on my blog to anyone ! You have one of your own, you're welcome to post stuff relating to your old show there.