was driving through the North End on Sunday and had my camera with me. I
noticed that 'colour' was the day's theme !
Here's some colourful infill housing.
On Arlington Street near where I live, there is one of these same designs in peach. This is St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, the first Ukrainian Catholic Parish in Winnipeg. The current building was constructed circa 1966 and the mural was designed in 1988 by Emil Telizyn. (For more pics, including the interior.)
This is a very cool design!
I came across a guy sunning his parrot - no, that's not a euphemism, he really was -
and I just had to stop and check it out. His parrot was enjoying the
breeze on his perch. What a wonderful creature ! He told me what type of
macaw it was but I forgot. The biggest kind,
Some facts about this type of macaw: Their beak has 2,000 lbs of pressure - it can snap a broomstick! They have the capacity of a three year-old so can be trained for things, know when they've done something wrong, and have a limited vocabulary. This one had quite the personality!
They live to be around 80 years old so you'd better like how yours turns out because you'll be with it until death. Luckily, this guy loved his!
This bird was also with him.
It's the smallest variety of parrot, just 12 inches from beak to tail. Again, can't remember the type.
I hope your weekend was nearly as colourful !
As someone who grew up attending St. Nick's I was always proud of the church building itself, which struck me as a very bold and progressive design. It really reflects the era in which it originated.
St. Nicholas was also seamlessly integrated with the neighbourhood, although that changed a bit in the 70s and 80s when it started buying up homes to demolish them for a parking lot. Fortunately that didn't really get out of hand - only a few homes fell.
If St. Nicholas were built today, however, it would more likely resemble a big-box store surrounded by vast fields of parking, as Winnipeg's newest Catholic church does: http://stgianna.ca/content/view/12/14/
P.S. - Glad you didn't tick off the Macau... I hear reconstruction of the nose takes quite a bit of time!
It certainly is bold - especially for a Church ! Not having a huge parking lot around it was a nice decision.
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