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Sunday, 23 August 2009

Crosswalk Accident on Henderson

I came across a terrible accident on my way home today. An elderly woman was hit by a car in the pedestrian corridor at Henderson and Edison. On one of the few truly beautiful days of the summer a woman, a driver, their families, and many witnesses now wish they could forget it.

The building I work in overlooks a pedestrian corridor and I have to say that I am surprised that more people are not injured in this way as I hear the sounds of screeching brakes daily - sometimes while the lights are flashing and with an adult school crossing guard in the intersection. I have witnessed some terribly close calls.
Perhaps it's not surprising.

I'm one of those 'morons' who actually STOPS at regular, old crosswalks such as the one above near my house. From the horn-honking, yelling, bird-flipping and people pulling out from behind me to pass while I am stopped, I would make an unscientific estimate that maybe 40% of people know that THESE ARE CROSSWALKS. 

Here is a refresher:

CROSSWALKS are those painted lines on the road with the oddly postured stick-man signs on either side. Stopping is not optional at a crosswalk.

Above is an image of the signs and clip from the Manitoba driver's ed handbook about what to do when you get to one.

What many people think are crosswalks are actually PEDESTRIAN CORRIDORS.

The Manitoba Highway Safety Act defines a CORRIDOR as: "
a crosswalk, at an intersection or elsewhere, that has been designated as a pedestrian corridor by the proper traffic authority and that is illuminated and distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by (a) such lights and other traffic control devices on the highway, and (b) such lines or other markings on the surface of the roadway."

In Winnipeg: "
These corridors are equipped with flashing beacons and internally illuminated signs, installed over the roadway."

At pedestrian corridors, at least, a vast majority of motorists seem to know that they must stop.

This is a Crosswalk:
This is a Pedestrian Corridor:
Drivers must stop at BOTH

Related / Sources:

The Highway Traffic Act
- Province of Manitoba
Manitoba Driver Handbook
Pedestrian Corridors - City of Winnipeg
Winnipeg Traffic Signs
- City of Winnipeg

1 comment:

Christian Cassidy said...

Too true. The one that is / was just after the Donald street bridge near Broadway is a waste of good metal !