Monday 10 February 2014

The PODCAST Edition: Feburary 8, 2014 !

Due to some technical issues with the recording of the radio show tonight, there wasn't going to be a podcast so I thought I would specially record one ! This is my first attempt at a podcast and with this new mic but I think it came off pretty well. Just need to add a bit more polish !

Here is the companion post to the podcast:


Tonight's show is heavy on the winter sports. We'll commemorate the Winnipeg Victorias' (and the city's) very first Stanley Cup win in 1896. The 1932 the Allan Cup champions The Winnipegs won gold at the Winter Olympics in  Lake Placid. Doreen Botteril wowed the country with four speed skating medals at the very first Canada Winter Games. Twenty six years ago the Calgary Winter Games opened.

In non sports news, the Winnipeg Press Club, Canada's oldest, elected its first executive back in 1887, (we'll ask Tessa what's up with the group today). In 1947 a number of local orchestras joined together to create the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.

February is Black History month and I will tell you about a great musical family from Winnipeg that included Percy and Zena Haynes (of Haynes' Chicken Shack fame !) and her son Del Wagner.


Winter Games by David Foster

Heart of the Continent - The Seasons (Autumn Splendour, Winter Dreams, Spring Rhapsody; Summer Fire) from the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the XIII Pan American Games composed by Victor Davies performed by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, conductor Bramwell Tovey.

Prairie Soul: Black Rhythms From The Heartland (trailer)

Mary, Oh Mary by Delbert Wagner from Guess Who "The Swingers" Canada 1967 (CBC radio show)

Ten year of Tears by Delbert Wagner from Guess Who "The Swingers" Canada 1967 (CBC radio show)

City of the Plains from the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the XIII Pan American Games by Victor Davies performed byJennifer Lyon and Marcel Soulodre with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Bramwell Tovey conductor.

Children of the World from the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the XIII Pan American Games by Victor Davies performed by Fred Penner, Katherine Lee Raymond, Nicole Brémault, with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Bramwell Tovey conductor.

Ode to the Athletes from the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the XIII Pan American Games by Victor Davies performed by  Henriette Schellenberg (Soprano) and Tracy Dahl with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Bramwell Tovey conductor.


  1. I listened to your podcast. You did very well, for the first self-produced podcast from home!

    You mentioned Del Wagner, the step-son of Percy Haynes. However, at the end of the podcast, before playing the two final music clips, you called him "Del Williams". It's not a big deal, but I was momentarily confused. :)

  2. The error "Delbert Williams" is also in your playlist above. That is where I saw it first, and wondered if that was Del Wagner's stage name. Not so. His stage name was also "Del Wagner," and I only ever saw him referred to in that way.

  3. Thanks, sorry. That was a typo on my part. Definitely Del Wagner. Sorry about that.

  4. Christian, that's OK. I noticed that you were aware of his name as you did say "Del Wagner," before quoting from June "Pepper" Harris's book "I Used To Be Coloured, But Now I'm Black."

    I probably would have let this one go unreported, if I hadn't seen the typo as well. As I said before, it's no big deal. We can just call him "Del." :)
