Sunday 10 November 2013

West End Dumplings - The Radio Edition Remembrance Day Special links and podcast

Arlington Bridge text Cassidy2

Our November 10, 2013 episode is all about Remembrance Day. Below are links related to the program. The podcast can be found here.

In-studio we will have U of W history professor Dr. Jody Perrun who will talk about what life was like here in Winnipeg during World War II. He has researched the topic extensively and will publish a book about it in 2014.

We have an audio clip of Anna Dundas Mayer from Winnipeg who enlisted Royal Canadian Air Force's Women's Division and worked in Dauphin and Winnipeg. This clip is courtesy of The Memory Project, an initiative of Historica Canada, the people who bring you the Heritage Minutes !

I'll tell you about Kay Middleton, the Winnipeg Tribune's Home Ec Editor from 1938 to 1948. She worked to boost the morale of women and navigate them through an era of rationing and shortages of basic food items.(Read more about her in my blog post here.)

As this November 11th is the 95th anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I, I'll tell you about how the day unfolded on the streets of Winnipeg. (see tomorrow's West End Dumplings for the full post !)
 In the music department, we have two songs written by Eric Bogle. "No Man's Land" sung by Jane Tabor, (from the 1993 album We Died in Hell—They Called it Passchendaele) and "And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda" sung by Liam Clancey.
The other two songs are sung by Henry Burr. “Our Hearts Go Out to You, Canada” and  "Good-bye,Good Luck, God Bless You”.

This Canadian tenor made thousands of recordings for the Columbia label in the 19-teens and 1920s. These songs are recorded from 78 rpm records (thus the static) and are the same recordings people would have played at the time. They are available at Library and Archives Canada's The Virtual Gramophone.
Finally, here are some of the Remembrance Day ceremonies taking place around the city:

- Minto Armoury, 969 St. Matthews Avenue, holds its annual ceremony and parade starting at 10:20 a.m..

- The Royal Winnipeg Rifles hold their annual ceremony at Vimy Ridge Memorial Park, Portage Avenue and Home Street, starting at 10:30 a.m..

- 38 Canadian Brigade Group hold their annual ceremony at Valour Road and Sargent Avenue starting at 10:30 a.m..

The above image is a link to a slideshow I did a couple of years back showing dozens of war memorials from around the province. Here's a list of links to some of the wartime and remembrance posts that i have done over the years.


  1. Thanks. It was a bit weird doing a whole show on one topic with one guest. I constantly felt the need to keep rushing to get through everything. Ah well, a learning experience !
