Friday 11 October 2013

Thanksgiving Recipes and Tips from WWII

Katherine Middleton began her career as a Home Economist in the midst of the Depression counselling Manitoba housewives on how to make the most of an empty icebox and little income. 

From 1935 to 1948 she was the Winnipeg Tribune's Home Ec Editor. During the War she wrote daily about keeping as normal a household as possible when in many cases there was no husband at home, a slashed household income, inflated prices and many staple food supplies were rationed or completely unavailable.

Having to put a brave face on "Thanksgiving" celebrations in the midst of the War must have been difficult at times. Nevertheless, she publised a series of articles each year around the holiday that provided recipe ideas, household hints and a reminder of the dire situation women in many parts of Europe faced.

You can read more about Middleton in a bio post I did of her here. This is a collection of her Christmas holiday-themed columns. Below are just some of her Thanksgiving columns:

Thanksgiving Dinner Menus  Feature All Canadian Foods
October 11, 1940, Winnipeg Tribune (source)

 Thanks Be For Our Blessings, Let's Make the Most of Them !
October 13, 1941, Winnipeg Tribune (source)

Thanksgiving Dinner Menus Will Feature Simple Dishes 
October 18, 1943, Winnipeg Tribune

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