Thursday 22 August 2013

764 Victor Street, 99 years later

Bjornson House
Bjornson House
 Above: ca. 1914 (source)
 Below: ca. 2013 (source)

Across from Jacob Penner Park sits 764 Victor Street. It was once the home of Dr. Olafur Bjornson, the first Icelander to receive a medical degree in Canada. It is now a four unit apartment block.


  1. This is not a rooming house, this is a four suite apartment.

  2. This is a four suite apartment building now.

  3. I live in Top suit #4 please let me know if any hauntings or distribinses have happened my daughter keeps seeing something and is bothered.

  4. I lI've right below that suite. I haven't seen or heard anything. That does sound spooky. I'll keep u posted

    1. Hi my wife and I lived on the top suite. If 764 Victor for about a year n a half my mother in-law stayed in suite 3 I believe the one your renting now I painted the walls and the trim the pink n brown horrible match it is now, that's all the owner s had for paint at the time I guess ....the building IS looked after dr bjournsen I very much believe he is still there and upon further searching and reading about home and the occult like group he was a member of the IOOF. independent order of odd fellows ** and even more extensive research into that along with a recording I have of that very property this past summer which I only have 3 mins left of the original 15 mins that were recoded on an FB call left open that I made from outside to my wife to throw me the keys as we were caretakers of the building as well!! I out my phone in my pocket not hanging up and she was cleaning inside the property and same thing put phone down not hanging up either and there was a 15 minute window of some very consistent horrifly sounding voices and snakey whispers along with laughing two separate time ass well it's only three minutes left from the 11 min mark to ending of the fifteen in total in no way was it tampered with or anything as I do not have the time OR INTEREST to make some f*uckin made up BS GHOST spooky recoding but I think if you live there you should or shouldn't hear this up to you totally tho but there numerous other times that made me believe the place was and is haunted especially since the doctor worked with only orphans from Europe and the elderly which all the papers and backgrounds were burnt up on princess Street and nothing left behind and AGAIN at a different TEMPLE or what they were calling these places the IOOF would meet inurge you to do the same reaserch and take time to read and just to know your not alone!!! T n R

  5. I lived in suite 4 for a year and never had seen or heard anything.

  6. My grandfather and his parents lived here in the 1930s!
