Saturday 1 June 2013

Happy 151st birthday, Portage & Main!

Portage and Main

On June 2, 2013 the intersection of Portage and Main turns 151 !

Followers of this blog might remember that last year's 150th milestone was about to go without notice until Gordon Sinclair Jr. picked up my blog post and wrote Shouldn't we get the party started ? Creswin Properties, owner of 201 Portage Avenue on the corner where it all started, stepped up and served cake and a musical interlude over the lunch hour to celebrate.

For media coverage about the 150th and links to birthday wished posted by bloggers check out this post.

Also be sure to read my post "Seven Stories About Portage and Main" for some neat trivia !


  1. When can it finally open up for pedestrians to cross?


  2. I've read both 2017 and 2019. It depends when the "40 year clock" started counting. It was signed in 1976, construction started (and the intersection first closed) in 1977 and it opened to the public in 1979.

    From what I read in newspapers back in the day my sense is that the 40 year agreement started in 1979 when it opened, making it summer 2019.
