Thursday 18 April 2013

These lights made me do a double take

Union Tower
I was leaving the Winnipeg Architecture Foundation's website launch at city hall last week and had to do a double take when I saw a fully lit (and functioning) main hall at the Union Bank Tower, now the Paterson Globalfoods Institute.

Union Bank Tower
The hall was a Union Bank, then Royal Bank, branch until about 1992 when it moved to a newly built location at Main and James. For a couple of decades it sat in darkness and is now Red River College's Jane's restaurant.

RRC's old gem a beauty Winnipeg Free Press (April 2012)
Union Bank Tower Historic Buildings Committee Report


  1. The Union Bank Tower (later the Royal Ban) and the Annex are designated as a National Historic Site. The architecture is the primary reason but I have always been thrilled by the fact that the International Magicians Union was founded there, and that once, the Human Fly climbed up the out side wall.

  2. can't wait for summer to see the roof garden and bijou park.

  3. Susan, those are some great tidbits!....i wrote an article about it once and was fascinated going through the old records to discover all of its great stories. So many accomplishments for a young city.
