Monday 29 October 2012

Documentary Premiere: Warpaths: Every Town Had Sol­diers

A new Manitoba-made documentary called Warpaths: Every Town Had Sol­diers will premiere at Brandon University's Evans Theatre on Friday, November 2, 2012 at 7:30 p.m..

The feature-length documentary was shot on-location in Westman and France and fea­tur­es the stories of three men from West­ern Man­i­toba who fought for Canada dur­ing the First World War. 

If you can't make it to Brandon,  it will also be shown in Boissevain on Sunday at 2 pm, then appears on MTS on Demand.

Forrest, Manitoba

Whenever I travel around the province, I make a point to stop in at the towns and hamlets olong the route to photograph their war memorial. (You can see my album here or a video compilation I did of many of them here.) 

I'm always struck when I see the small list of names engraved on the tablet. For a larger cit, the loss was terrible but they would soon recover. For towns and villages like Carberry, Oberon, Douglas, Forrest, however, it represented much of their next generation. The men needed to work the farms, run the shops and tend to the sick would not be coming home.

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