Monday 16 July 2012

Is Winnipeg's City Hall clock sick again ?

City Hall Clock
The city hall clock may be sick again barely two years after its $26,0000 overhaul. The centre seam appears to be splitting, which has allowed the hands to rub along its face. The wavy shadow of the minute hand shows that the face is warped.

Yes, I've emailed 311 just in case.

Here's a look back at the history of the timepiece which was a gift from Molson's !

In other clock news:
The Exchange
It seems that the Old Market Square clock is not making a comeback. I blogged about that back in 2010 when the refurbished square reopened without its timepiece. Sean Kavanagh from CBC looked into it and was told that pubic works had it and were just figuring out when and where it should go back up. That was two years ago, so I assume its not going to happen.

That's too bad. The square has become such a hot spot for festivals and shows, the public timepiece made a pleasant and practical ornament.


  1. I wonder if they sent it away and forgot to get it back afterward.

  2. Also missing is the National Historic Site plaque which was removed for the "renovation".

  3. Bring back the clock! Shared amenities like these are so important. The current Public Works staff at the city or those they contract out too really seem to have no taste or clue about good design. Witness also the failed re-do of the Steinkopf gardens.
