Monday 11 June 2012

A Brandon bus-related tour

Brandon Transit 1957 GMC
This weekend the Manitoba Transit Heritage Association held its AGM in Brandon. As with most MTHA outings, bus-related tours were on the itinerary.

Brandon Bus Lines
We checked out Brandon Bus Lines' operations, (they were also nice enough to charter us back and forth in a modern coach !) I noticed in their Prevost bus graveyard a partly cannibalized but still nicely-decalled Grey Goose Coach. I imagine this was among the newest in the Goose fleet before the name disappeared.

Brandon Transit - Modern
Then there was Brandon Transit. We checked out their shop and had a spin downtown to the transit terminal.

BT is in the midst of an experiment. Rather than raising fares, they cut theirs almost in half but eliminated free transfers. The intended effect is to raise the number of short-trip passengers. Numbers haven't been crunched yet as to how the trial is going. I imagine that there are a few transit operations that will be keeping an eye out for the results.

Brandon Transit 1957 GMC
Brandon Transit 1957 GMC
Brandon Transit 1957 GMCLink
We rode in style in their restored 1957 GMC TGH-3102 "Old Look". This is from the initial fleet of 5 vehicles purchased by the newly-formed Brandon Transit in 1957. For more Brandon Transit history.

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