Monday 16 April 2012

A dozen developments around Winnipeg

Avenue Building The Avenue Building
The Avenue Building in 2008 and 2012

It's been a pretty good month for Portage Avenue. The Avenue Building, vacant for over a decade, reopened as a mixed use development. The Clarendeon Hotel and and Donalda Buildings are now gone making way for the Centrepoint development to get underway.

There are a lot of other projects going on around the city, some floating beneath the radar. Here's a dozen of them !


New Stadium New Stadium
April 4, 2012

After the holdup in completing the steel canopy things appear to be back to full steam ahead on the stadium. These were taken April 7 - will it be ready for July or not ?!

Former Arena Site:

Former Winnipeg Arena Site Former Winnipeg Arena Site
April 12, 2012

The Western Financial office / retail development is underway on the old arena site. I can't wait for the additional traffic on Empress !

Sherbrook Street:

Sherbrook Street element Condominiums
Left: July 2011. Right; April 4, 2012

Piles are being driven for the element condo project on Sherbrook at Sara in West Broadway. Last week One Man Committee wrote about a six storey, 29 unit development that is being proposed for across the street.

It's been quite a couple of years for my old stompin' grounds. Check out Thanks Stella's recently in the Free Press.

Misericordia Redevelopment:

Misericordia Hospital
January 2012

Misericordia Hospital
Misericordia Hospital
April 2012

A block over, the Misericordia Hospital redevelopment is well underway. A great chance to get a look at part of the original hospital that's been covered up for fifty years or so.

Misericordia Hospital c 1910 Misericordia Hospital

That 1910 building is next on the demolition list.

North End of Waterfront Drive:

YouCUBE Condominiums
With YouCUBE on Heaton Avenue completed last year, it's time for more !

H20 Condominiums
Here are the H20 Waterfront Condominiums under construction.

Disraeli Bridge Construction Disraeli Bridge Construction
Disraeli Bridge Construction Disraeli Bridge Construction

Of course, the 300 kg gorilla on that part of Waterfront is the Disraeli Bridge project. Most of the work on the span crossing Waterfront is now done. It's just needs an approach ramp !

Higgins Avenue:

Braunstein Block, Be Canadian First Building ! Braunstein Block
Left: January 2008. Right: September 2011

Braunstein Block
April 2012

The Braunstein Block renovations continue but unfortunately it appears that the great store front facade is going to be replaced by a bedroom window.

Neeginin Village:

Housing on Higgins Housing on Higgins Avenue
Left: October 2011. Right:
April 2012

Without the prominent location of the Union Tower conversion or the sexy marketing campaigns of nearby Waterfront Drive, Neeginan Village phase II often gets overlooked. Its 15 units are geared at low income families and look like they're in the final phase.

Speaking of Union Tower

Union Bank Tower / Red River College Union Bank Tower addition
Left: January 2011. Right: August 2011

Red River College Red River College
March 28, 2012

The latest addition to Red River College which will host its culinary arts department and student housing. It should have been open last year but hopefully things are on track for this year.

Peace Tower:

Peace Tower Housing Peace Tower Housing
April 8, 2012

The 48 unit immigrant housing Peace Tower complex is coming along on Princess.

Women and Newborn Hospital:

New Women's Hospital New Women's Hospital
April 8, 2012

After a cave-in last month, the new Women's Hospital site seems to be back on track.


  1. Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying your blog! Discovered it through links posted on Reddit, and I'm glad you're doing what you're doing. Cheers!

  2. I've seen the yellow zoning notice posted to the side of the Braunstien block when passing by but never stopped to check it out. Anyone know what the plans for that building are?

  3. Sorry to say but the You Cube project is stuck on Phase 1. Units remain unsold and who knows when Phase 2 will ever be built.

  4. Ah, thanks crunchy. For some reason I thought that front part was phase 2. I will correct that !

    Anon 1 - thanks.

    Anon 2 - I have to admit, I never noticed a rezoning notice on the Braunstein - I just thought they were renoing the existing space.

  5. The B Block will be rental apts.

    Vernaus is the owner.
