Monday 16 January 2012

The St. Joseph wind farm turns one !

Somerset Manitoba

The St. Joseph wind farm, Manitoba's largest, turned one year old last week.

n January 11, 2011 the first of the 80 metre tall, 2.3 megawatt turbines were put into service. By April all 60 were up and running and generating a total of 138 megawatts of power.

In a recent PortageOnline article about the anniversary, the owner of the
$345m project, Pattern Energy, said that they would like to double the number of turbines.

Somerset MB Wind Farm

It's the second large scale wind farm in that area. In April 2005 Manitoba's first wind farm, the Algonquin Power, 99 megawatt project near Saint Leon / Somerset, began operating. Its 63 slightly smaller turbines generate 99 megawatts of power.

The two
farms generate enough electricity to power 85,000 homes, (St. Joseph 50,000 and St. Leon 35,000.)

I've driven through the area a couple of times and have to admit that the turbines are mesmerizing. If you get a chance to drive from St. Joseph to Somerset, do. Aside from the turbines there's some lovely scenery, including rolling hills. ! (For a cyclist's perspective.)

Wind Farms near Somerset MB
Saint Leon celebrates 99 Megawatt Wind Farm Manitoba News release
St. Leon Energy Project Manitoba Hydro brochure (pdf)
Manitoba's largest Wind Farm Powers Up Province of Manitoba
St. Joseph Energy Project Manitoba Hydro (pdf)


  1. Hydro loses more than a million dollars per month on its wind farms. The best thing for taxpayers is when the wind doesn't blow in southern Manitoba.

  2. Wow. I knew it was a money loser but had no idea it was that much. Maybe they should charge a toll on the roads nearby and recapture some money from the gawkers like me who pass through !
