Friday 25 November 2011

Did I miss the memo on Black Friday ?

I'm pretty certain that up until last year Black Friday was this weird American phenomenon. Sort of like our Boxing Day except people get trampled, beaten, pepper sprayed and shot. (In 2008 it included a Walmart employee being trampled to death.)

Suddenly, Black Friday is our holiday, too ?! Papers are filled with Black Friday flyers and I'm pretty sure Janet Stewart had an orgasm on 24 Hours last night while the CBC was oozing on about our Black Friday in their newscast.

Way to go, Canada ! A great American tradition for a wannabe American country. I guess the pressure will now be on to change our Thanksgiving to the U.S. Thanksgiving so that we get the full effect.

The next target, I assume, will be adopting Presidents' Day so that we can have our very own Presidents' Day sales - just like the Americans.


  1. Some Black Friday ... my computer died a couple days ago so I went to Future Shop today to have a look and not a damn one was on sale. Well maybe one. Still, not the big deal I was hoping for.

  2. Do you have any video of Janet Stewart having an orgasm? Just wondering...

  3. I too would LOVE to see that video ... oh Janet! Stewart! you! and! your! crazy! facial! contortions!

  4. I saw that news episode as well. Janet seemed a little too happy about that story.

  5. Funny you should ask ... I don't have video but here are vid caps !
