Saturday, 13 March 2010

Calm Places in Busy Hospitals - part one

I love hospitals. Yes, that sounds weird but there's something about the hustle and bustle, the endless corridors, and the 24-hour schedules that I love.

Heck, I don't even mind that "hospital smell" which, if you exclude 'ass', is mostly due to a cleaner called Beaucoup that you can order for your very own use should you want to bring that 'hospital fresh' scent home with you !

Part of this love has to do with the fact that I spent a lot of time in a hospital when I was young. I nearly lost a finger and had to return often for physio and decided to volunteer while I was there. My volunteer term lasted about six years!

Also, my first job out of uni was as a staffer for the volunteer department and THAT lasted another six years !
Hospitals aren't all misery and bustle. Some have lovely, peaceful places in them.

Buhler Gallery
If you're at the St. Boniface General Hospital, be sure to check out the Buhler Gallery which opened in September 2007 after a grant from John and Bonnie Buhler. It's 1400 square feet of great space.

You could be in any art gallery in the city except, of course, that this is located in what was the front entrance of the hospital. The building itself is from 1914.

Misericordia Hospital
Misericordia Hospital
Misericordia Hospital
Another great place is the Misericordia Hospital Chapel, completed in 1907.

It is quite beautiful and serene and it is in very good condition.
I actually thought that it had some sort of heritage designation but cannot see it listed anywhere.

Misericordia Hospital
Internal signage is poor, so finding it can be a challenge. It is on the second floor of the original (c.1906) Sherbrook Street building.

Check it out soon, though, because that whole
wing is slated for demolition when phase 2 of their redevelopment begins in the next year or two.


Misericordia Chapel pics

Calm places in Busy Hospitals - part two


  1. How awful that Misericordia would tear down the historic 1906 part of the complex!

    I find it just an utter shame that an institution with such a wonderful history of serving this city would somehow consent to destroying part of their history. I had not heard about this, so thank you for writing about it. It's a sad loss for the neighbourhood.

  2. yes, it is too bad. It's a nice edifice but they pretty much wrecked it when they added the walkway to the parkade. I think the next newest bit is the Wolseley entrance form the 40's I believe.
